Discover our exclusive number selection at unbeatable prices!
Discover our vast selection of discounted phone numbers, featuring luxury and vanity options, perfect for both personal and business use. With daily updates to our list, seize the opportunity and secure your ideal number today. Don't miss out!
Do you want to be impressive, yet professional?
Discover our range of professional, memorable, and luxury local phone numbers designed for personal and business use. Your phone number is a vital detail that speaks volumes about you and your company, making that first impression crucial.
How it Works?
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Select the Number
Choose your preffered phone number from the list
Pay for It
Move to cart the number you choose and pay for your new number
Get Account Number
We will send you the account number and pin within 24 hours, so you can send it to your telecom carrier and activate
Insert SIM card, select the mobile plan or transfer/port it to your preffered provider. Your number will be ready to use in 3-7 days
Clients Testimonials
Some of our Awesome Testimonials
“I recently purchased a phone number from VIP Numbers Canada and was impressed with the range of options and competitive prices. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a unique and exclusive phone number.”
Joseph B. Renn
Happy Client“I recently purchased a phone number from VIP Numbers Canada and was impressed with the range of options and competitive prices. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a unique and exclusive phone number”
Sam Davis
Happy ClientA PHP Error was encountered
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